Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March 26, 2008 from Jen

So, this journey actually began so very long ago. For those who know me, you know my love for children and God did bless me with two successful childbirths, the last of which was 18 years ago. Most people think I am totally crazy for wanting a baby now that my youngest child will be leaving for college... but I can't help it. Destiny has brought me here and God's blessings as well.
(Photo of Aunt Vicki and I on Easter Sunday 2008)

Here it is: Jeff and I had talked about adoption and other forms of bringing another child into our lives for years... and years. When Jacque was a teen, we made a decision to not add another child to our family because her love of children and desire to work in the nursery at church, babysit, and be with little ones triggered an idea that she would likely marry young and bless us with grandchildren that we would want to help her raise. Jake has no desire to have children young and right now has declared that he wants to be a physician, specializing in sports medicine, so grandbabies are a long way off... Since Jacque went to live with Jesus, Jeff and I have had many discussions regarding additions to our family. We have always had room in hearts for more of the PROFOUND JOYS that children bring, we just didn't know how this was going to happen for us since traditional childbirth is not an option: between the eclampsia with Jacque and the CVA with Jake and the additional female reproductive issues I have had added to Jeff's vasectomy just two months after Jake's birth... we had to think outside the box.

Last December, we made the official announcement that we were ready to begin the adoption process after the first of the year. We told our family and prayed that God would lead us to where He wanted us to be. Something in that journey through prayer brought Jaime to us...
She came to us saying that she wanted to be our surrogate and have a baby for us. After thinking she was totally off her rocker - and of course we promptly sent her to therapy - we began the deep discussions that would being about what we are currently involved with.

Jaime is the most remarkable young woman I know: headstrong, loving, great sense of humor, sometimes shy, and the giggliest little sister we know. She is Jeff's younger sister by 15 years and has always been a large part of our family. She has lived with us off and on since 2002 in AZ and in TX, while attending college toward her dream of being a teacher. She is one of my best friends, someone I admire above many, many others... and she was a best friend to my daughter, too. I have always been blessed to have Jaime (and Jeff, too)... Did I mention how I trust her not only with my life, but that of my future, unborn child. I am SO BLESSED and so very grateful, there are not words to describe the depth of the emotion and gratitiude we have for our beautiful sister who is bringing us the amazing gift of life... nothing can quantify this...

Anyway, it was this blessing that somewhere in Jaime's heart she was convinced that she wanted to be our surrogate. At first, considering my age and Jeff's reproductive status, we thought we would have to use Jaime's egg and donor sperm... but after a lengthy first appointment last month with Dr. Kristiansen in Houston... we are going to use my eggs. And, there is a procedure for Jeff, too - we are going to try to aspirate some sperm from him, too... We do have to have a sperm donor backup, but for the most part - it looks like genetically this baby is going to be all Jeff and I!!!! Jaime is going to carry our miracle and whalla - a baby should be in our life!
Now that you are up to date on what has happened thus far, you have to know the greatest news of all: Jaime and I went to see Dr. K again yesterday and we got our calendars from the IVF coordinator. The drugs (Rx) have been ordered and will arrive tomorrow. We are both currently on birth control, but Jaime starts her fertility medications, to prepare her uterus for pregnancy, next week. Our tentative dates are May 7, 2008 for the egg retrieval (for me) and the sperm retrieval (for Jeff) and on top of that being out "official" conception date, that is also our 20th Wedding Anniversary. Then, the embryo transfer (of two little fertilized eggs) for Jaime should be 3-5 days later.... if all goes well with this IVF attempt, we have a possible due date of January 28, 2009.... is this not the LONGEST pregnancy on record? LOL!

All these details have wiped me out and so I have to run now, but more to come.... stay posted for updates! XOXOX


kellie said...

I just want to tell you how much I love you all and how excited I am for everyone!!! I wish I was closer to share in everything, but as long as you guys keep me involved I'll do okay :) I can't wait for the next step!!! love, auntie kellie

Auntie Robyn said...

I am over the top thrilled and excited to go on this journey with you. I know that God has a big beautiful plan for you and your future and I can't wait to see how he blesses you. I am so happy to be auntie all over again. We need another baby or two in the family!!! This is such a fun way to keep those of us in California involved in this Endresen Baby Journey. I love you sister

Vicki Terry said...

Jen, Jeff and Jaime,
All I can say is WOW! As I told you earlier Jennifer, could you have ever imagined 20 years ago where you would be today? This is so very special for all three of you. I am ecstatically happy for you and Jeff.
I am in awe of you Jaime! What a loving, magnificent gift to offer to Jen and Jeff. I know that God will bless the three of you in so very many ways. Can't wait to hear more!
Love to you all, Aunt Vicki