Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ultrasound Friday 7/25/08

I can hardly believe that July is almost over, school is about to start, and we are 14 weeks along in this pregnancy. This summer has flown by with record speed at trying to get us to autumn. Jaime and I went in for our genetic counseling session last Friday. What we were there for is the genetic screening, associated specialty of the nuchal translucency screening (an ultrasound with blood work). Well, the first 1/2 hour we were there, we couldn't get the monkey to get into position. Our beautiful monkey (in absence of the gender knowledge and name... this is our nickname... Jacque was sweetpea and Jake was peanut...) was laying at the top of the uterus, had to the right and feet to he left and tilted just enough that we couldn't get a good profile shot - which is what we needed for the test. So, we poked, and talked, we laughed, as little monkey kicked and flailed arms about the womb. We were told to leave,walk, eat, drink and come back in a few hours. So Jaime and I went maternity clothes shopping and she got some really, really cute stuff, including a bathing suit! I wish it were me... the prego clothes are darling, nothing like they used to be 20 years ago. LOL! So, we successfully loaded the baby up with James Coney chili dogs and Delaware punch and walked and walked, until we thought our legs would fall off! Anyway, back to the doctor's office for another look... when i tell you it was nothing short of miraculous to watch our little monkey play, it really was. Monkey spend the next 20 minutes, while we watched with totally astonishment, as there was kicking, punching, poking itself in the eye, and no small feat we got a front row seat to see yoga poses in utero, like the salamba sirsasana. I wouldn't have thought it possible, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. But, the biggest bummer is that we couldn't get the information needed to complete the testing. Monkey changed positions, but only with head to the left and feet to the right, still tilted so we couldn't get that info! Our only other alternative it to have an amniocentesis between 16 and 17 weeks gestation. That is where we are headed next... so, in a few weeks we will have definite answers to put to rest the risks of Down Syndrome as well as other chromosomal abnormalities... we need prayers. I am worried about the 1/500 risk of miscarriage associated with amnio, but with the risk for Down's being 1/133 at this point, it is the better odds. So, now you are caught up on the happenings with the baby. Jake turns 18 in a couple weeks, leaves for school August 24th, and is taking 19 units this semester. He will be busy and so will we, we have a nursery to decorate! Love to all!


kellie said...

I can just picture the "little monkey" doing the yoga poses, flips, and dances in jaime's perfect little "oven"!! I wish you could have gotten the info needed but the amnio will be just fine. I can't believe this little baby can be so stubborn already. . . oh wait, yes I can. . . it's an endresen!!! :) I just love you all so very much and am sending all my thoughts and prayers to you all!!!