Last night we FINALLY got a visit from Cheri... she had been horrifically ill since Jackson's birth and was forced to stay away. Her son then got the horrible throat infection and bronchitis after her, continuing to keep her at home, away from our newest arrival. After antibiotics and some recuperation time, Cheri finally got to get her hands on Jackson. She is in love, just like everyone else. So (above) is a photo of the brief affair last night.
Today we had a follow up appointment at the pediatrician's office for Jackson's eye, which turns out to be a clogged tear duct and not conjunctivitis. That is a good thing! We also had our two week check up and we are now 9 pound and 3 oz... OMG! He was just at the doctor a week ago weight 7 # 12 oz... he gained like a pound and 6 ounces in 8 days... I hope he slows down! Laughing. He is now about the size Jake was at birth... still shorter, though. I am sure that makes Jake happy. Jackson also got his first immunization today while we were there. We started the Hepatitis B series and he had that shot in him left leg... OWIE! Boy, did he get mad and get all red-faced, one big wail and he as saved by his Mama and all was well again in the world. We got home to greet Hannah (Jackson's #1 Girl...and I hear Jake's #1 as well)... a little sibling rivalry to keep things exciting. Hannah spent like three hours feeding and rocking or little man. As you can see by the photos, he is quite comfortable in her arms. I think Hannah was a little bummed that he slept so much, but immunizations with do that to the little ones. Its bath night tonight and Hannah said she will be back later to look into his (hopefully, very awake) eyes. We don't go back to the doctor until March (hopefully). Until then, the goal is to get on a normal sleep schedule and keep up with all the new and fun work of having a newborn. By the way, thanks again Auntie Deedee for the awesome shirt... as you see it fits great and he is definitely a "chick magnet."
12 years ago
I love that onesie! I love when babies sleep with like that, ALex use to do it all the time and it cracked me up! I love his little blanket!
I love the arms above the head. So sweet. Your new header is great!
it must be in the terry jeans to have a clogged tear duct. Do you remember that Evan had one? Thank goodness that Jackson doesn't need surgery like Evan did. He's absolutely beautiful and I also love the new look
Love u
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