So, most of each day is totally pleasant and loving and like most newborns, he eats, sleeps, there are diaper changes and awake time to play and coo and make funny baby noises. I was even inspired to call Jeff this afternoon when Jackson was making those awesome coos and let Jeff hear him over the phone... that was amazing, per Jeff. Which, after being gone this week, I am sure it was awesome. I can't imagine how he is feeling right now being away from his new baby during this important and fast growing phase... makes us sad for the fact that he works in OK... yet, blessed and grateful that he has a job in this economy that looks scarier every day in the news!
Then, sometime around dinner time, Jackson starts working up his vocals. By the after dinner time he is totally stressed out and completely unhappy. Except for bath time, which has become our favorite nightly ritual, right in the middle of fussy time each night - between 7pm and 8pm, I take Jackson into the kitchen sink for a long hot bath... HE LOVES IT! I have never seen a newborn enjoy bath time so much! I wash and massage him and then take the spout and rinse his whole body and he is just so peaceful. The look on his face is precious and it isn't reflected here because I haven't figured out how to bath him, you know prevent him from drowning and with my wet and soapy hands handle the camera and snap a peaceful pic! Laughing... I need a few more weeks of baby care and multitasking to get that one done. Maybe when Jeff & Jake are home for Valentine's this weekend, I can get one of them to snap the photo while I hold the slippery baby!
Then, after that bath and a bottle,which he totally loves being milk drunk, he passes out into a deep sleep. If I am lucky, this sleep will last until around midnight, but has been more like 11pm before he wakes wanting to eat more, and eat more NOW! But, when the crying and fussing stops and Mr Cranky Pants turns back into this amazing happy baby, I am tired and happy and at peace that I survived another night of fussy butt syndrome!
This shot (above) is how awesome he was just mere minuted before the fussy syndrome started... and you've seen lots of sleeping photos, so I won't add another here, but promise you as I type this, he is so peacefully sleeping and I wish I was sleepy enough to get into bed right this minute... but, I can't do that yet! More laundry to switch over, dishes to do, and the blog to write... not to mention, I am really looking forward to my nightly call from Jeff... XOXO
And people say women have mood swings! lol
So this is going to sound nuts BUT if it keeps happening over and over maybe he has acid-reflux? I think I remember you talking about him having to be on lactose formula?? Alex had the SAME problem and was just as miserable. Just a thought so you don't have to keep worrying and worrying.
I bet you miss Jeff, I can only imagine how you do it alone I was so lucky to have John! I love his drunk and cranky face I just wanna eat him up! Did a package from me come yet?
Wow, just today I was thinking how I would rather have a colicy crying baby to deal with than my incredibly whiney and stubborn teething baby. But of course I'm sure if I did then I would want the other back! :) I'm sorry that Jackson is so unhappy but thank goodness for the baths right? It's nice to have a guaranteed happy time break...thats what bathtime is for us also. And then I can't get him into bed fast enough!
Sorry that Jeff is gone, just keep thinking positively!
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