I just can't believe my lil' guy is one month old today! Where did that month go? Already he barely resembles the photo on the left... he has grown so much and is developing those awesome fat rolls on his legs and his double chin... its just too cute. We feel so blessed t have this miracle in our lives everyday! There isn't a day that goes by that I am not grateful to Jaime and our whole family for the love and support and making this miracle happen for us. One thing that stand out when I reflect on the last month is how much Jackson loves me... how attached he is to the sound of my voice and how sometimes just talking to him will calm him (not usually during Mr Cranky Pants time, though... that would be rare). I can be walking by talking to someone else in the room and he will rubber neck it to look in my direction... I LOVE that! He is developing a personality and it is so great. He has times of intentional smiles now, as some of you have seen the video on Facebook. Especially in the mornings, he is such a happy baby. Definitely a morning person at this stage in his life. Which is good, because I am SO EXHAUSTED in the mornings, it is good he is happy, babbling, cooing, and smiling... it gives me reason to face the day. I love the way he looks at me... with profound love. It is the joy of motherhood for sure. Jake was home Thursday night and kept telling me how much he loves me... and at one point I asked him why he was saying it... (I was rocking Mr Cranky Pants Jackson during fussy time and singing to him - I am such a gifted and talented singer... laughing) and Jake said, just because of "that" right there... he wanted to know how I could do that while Jackson was fussing... I told him I did it for you and your sister, that is what love and parenthood is: love, trust, consistency. He said he didn't think he could do it and I told him, when the time comes and you are blessed with children of your own, you will. And you will remember the patience seen with your mom, and you will love your child wholly and unconditionally, even through the rocky times... and fussy time is one of those rocky times for sure. I love my boys. They are just so awesome. It is great for me to watch Jake bond with this baby... as most of you know, Jake is a terrific and well-balanced, loving young man and he is so attentive and loving to his younger brother. It is rewarding to watch them together. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to raise both a boy and a girl and even more blessed to raise another child... and truly I am happy. There has been no greater gift in my life than my children.
12 years ago
I can't believe how fast they grow! He is beautiful and you are an amazing mother. I haven't seen the video on facebook yet...I'm going to go find it now!
It still shocks me how fast Alex has grown.. I just can't even imagine him as a little baby!! Thank Goodness for photos/videos! I LOVE that picture of you two it's beautiful and brings so much joy to me! Isn't it wonderful how they can sense you and love everything about you... gosh I can hardly wait for another baby!
I love the picture in this post. I love all the pictures, but there is something special about this one.
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