Tuesday, January 6, 2009

just waiting...

Yesterday was one of our now weekly OB appointments… Jaime is doing great. BP great, weight awesome and now that Jackson has stopped craving Kit Kat Bars, she is actually down two pounds. We laughed about that. The doctor’s best guess says that our little man is about 6 to 6 ½ pounds right now and still baking. Next week we will do a check to see if Jaime is dilating… no news is good news right now. The month seems like it is moving warp speed to me. I know it is because we are so excited. Even Jake said to me today: “I am so excited for Jackson to get here!” I feel like I have prayed, waited, planned, prepared, and waited some more and prayed some more and now it is almost tangible. Can’t wait to see what the next week brings… Jaime said this weekend is a possibility because Jeff will be in FL hunting and I will be at the Hannes farm… with both parents taking the last mini-break before the baby comes home… she is thinking it is likely. Mom says no way, not until the end of the month… We just have to wait and see.


mandy said...

Pregnancy is such a long process! I am happy that things are looking good.