Monday, January 19, 2009

Wednesday will be the day!

Just got home from the OB appointment and dinner with the family... The doctor will be inducing Jaime starting Wednesday morning... so by Wednesday afternoon, we should be holding our little man. Jeff is currently in OK, but coming home tomorrow. Hope Jackson waits until then! Jaime is dilated to 2 cm and more than 50% effaced... all good signs. His head is down and ready to go! Can't wait for the next update... YAY!!!


mandy said...

Hooray! We'll be praying for an uneventful birth.

Tiffany said...

yay! I love babies! can't wait to see baby jackson! keeping your family, Jamie and Jackson in our prayers!

heather said...

That's so exciting! I can't wait to see pics of the baby on your blog. Make sure to get some sleep tonight, while you can!