Tuesday, June 24, 2008

9 weeks yesterday

i know it is so hard to see these photos... ultrasound can be difficult to "read," but let me assure you... when Jaime and I want to Dr. K's office last week to see the baby, we were blessed with movement! That little baby did some crunches and some big stretches and all the while the little heart valves were working overtime pumping away... It was a very, very blessed day for me to get to see the new little angel jaime is carrying for jeff and i. it has been very, very busy around here with jake's graduation, vacations, travel, out of town company, everyone at my house, and what a blessing to have time fly by... since we have been planning and working on this pregnancy since like February 14! Our due date was an error - it is really January 27 (that will be 40 wees)... for those who need to know how it is calculated, they take the embryo transfer date and add two weeks and call that the lmp to calculate the end date. as we all know, the baby will come when HE or SHE is good and ready... other questions: everyone wants to know what color we are expecting... jeff said white, but i think the question really is pink or blue... i promise you we are expecting GREEN - a neutral color. When we find out the sex - this blog will be updated with what they tell us it is. Our nursery colors are an earthy green, chocolate, and butter. We are not really into the whole pink and blue thing, but we will let you know what the sex of the baby is... Anissa says it is a girl, I had a dream it was a boy, Jeff is noncommittal... Jaime hasn't had any opinion she has shared with me. The truth: only God knows and we are ok with that... we are just excited to share these photos with our family and friends. one more week and we will be 1/4 of the way through our pregnancy... OMG! that is so crazy and so exciting. we have started our baby registry and i hear my sisters and mom are planning a shower for the baby. that is so exciting.... especially since i was so young the first time around and my first and only baby shower, given by my aunts was quick and small. I don't remember having a shower with Jake at all. Jeff said he wanted a "daddy shower" with camo decor and camo gifts... so, when we did our registry, he found so many things in camo... LOL! Camo is gender neutral and he plans on teaching this child to hunt from a very early age. Jacque's angel date is quickly approaching and w are preparing to lock ourselves into the beach house for a week... we have the most loving and generous friend to give us this week of healing... much love and kindness comes our way during this very difficult time. anyway, that is what i have for now to update you! waiting on a doctor appointment with the OB and more to come... xoxo

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

ONE BABY due JAN 13th

Well, we had our ultrasound this morning. Jaime and mom were in the room with Dr. K and Julie... Jeff and I were on speaker phone in Bartlesville, OK... and we found out that there is one baby inside Jaime's "womb with a view." Dr. K said several times that this baby has a very strong heartbeat... this is a great thing for our family. You have to have a strong heart in our family. I told Jaime we are so blessed and what a gift from God, this baby with a strong heart. To have a sister as wonderful as Jaime, willing to put her life on hold for a year... to give the gift of life to us. Kellie and Robyn are so elated and excited for us. We love having the support of our family! This is such another blessing. ONE BABY due JAN 13th... How Wonderful! XOXO

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tomorrow, it's only a day awaaaaayyyyyy!

OH, I am so excited. Like Jaime, I am thinking and counting on one... two would be quite the surprise and change some serious plans... LOL! I can't wait to see the first photos... this is going to be so great! I am so blessed to have Jaime carrying my baby... OMG! Her boobs are getting even BIGGER... I agree with her... you will never see your baby bump jaime. I am so glad no puking. It was the same for me... smells, YUK! I remember that feeling well... even though it was 20 years ago. Really, 20 years ago I was prego with Jacque and feeling the same way. Perfumes, smokers, some types of food... YUK! No worries, though Jaime - I have been eating for all of us... I think I have gained all YOUR baby weight so far... can't wait to hear from you in the morning! I love you... and Jeff and I are so excited!

Tomorrow...Tomorrow...We find out tomorrow!!!

I am just so excited for the Doctor's appointment tomorrow!! Everyone I have talked to seems to think there is going to be two in there. I'm not so sure. I know it's possible...but I'm just not sure what I think. If I really think about it, I think it will only be one. Well...we will know in the morning!! I'm also really anxious to find out exactly how far along I am...and when the due date will be...Oh and maybe I'll finally be done with these horrible meds!! That would be really nice!!

I haven't really had morning sickness. I've been just a little nauseous at times, but definitely no throwing up!! I'm so glad. Certain smells have started to make me nauseous. Me and Alysha were out to dinner with a couple friends and Alysha ordered some kind of pesto pizza. I was going to try a bite until the smell of it made me want to throw up. Alysha was trying to convince me that it had no smell...but, oh yes it did...haha!!

I think my boobs are already starting to get bigger...look out!! I'm really scared to see how big they might get!! I might not ever see my belly...haha!!

Well that's about it for now...till tomorrow!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

jaime has signs and symptoms!

Jaime has morning sickness - that ROCKS! LOL... I know this will be tough on her and I know she will totally appreciate the second trimester by the time it gets here... what a blessing. A prayer for Jaime and the baby (s):
Dear Lord,
We are so very, very grateful for the awesome opportunity to bring another life, another soul into Your world. We are blessed to be the parents given this life to care for, nurture, and raise in Your Word. Thank You for Jaime's health and happiness, for the experience of childbirth, and for the love filling her spirit and life. Please give Jaime comfort during her times of discomfort. Please bring calm to her tummy from the nausea, bring an ease in the pain in her breasts, and a relief from the exhaustion, helping her to rest. Dear Lord, please allow Jaime the opportunity to listen to what her body needs during this time of nurturing our little life in her body. Comfort her mind and body as she continues on his incredible journey of love. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen...
Jaime - I love you and am sending you lots of love and prayers for comfort and love... xoxo

And it begins...

Symptoms have started!! Yesterday from early morning I had no energy. I was sooo tired!! I've been really tired lately and been going to sleep really early (by about 9:30, which is really early for me!), but yesterday was the worst. I could not even keep my eyes open at work. All day I could not wait to go home and go to sleep. It is so crazy that this little tiny thing is making me feel the way I do!! Incredible!!

Jen and Alysha have been telling me my fist craving is chili...well I think I finally agree. I have had so much chili! Last night for dinner I just wanted a cup of chili from Wendy's. I'll eat a chili omelette for breakfast, chili cheese fries at lunch, a bowl or cup of plain chili for dinner. Yeah...it must be a craving...haha.

Well today I think is my first actual day of morning sickness. I woke up this morning feeling fine, and by the time I got to work, I was feeling a little sick. It hasn't been too bad though...just nauseous. No throwing up yet!! I think it is finally starting to go away a little. I called Jen and she is just so excited to know that I have morning sickness...haha...a little bit more excited than I am!!

Other than the fatigue, nausea, sore boobs, and fun medications I'm still on....I'm doing great!! No, really, I'm actually doing great. This whole experience is so exciting for me! I'm so anxious for our Dr. appointment next week. I can't wait to find out how far along we are and how many babies are in there!!

Well that's about all for now...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tuesday... one week b4 the first ultrasound...

So, we are just a week away from the first ultrasound and look inside to see how many of those three embryos took. We should've started a pregnancy pool this last weekend when the entire family was out for Jake's graduation. WOW, talk about proud moments. First, I really have to say that I am blessed to have the absolute best sisters on the planet. I could NOT have pulled the house together and the party for Jake without their complete willingness to help me. Between my mom and my closest friends and my sisters, the crosses were put back on the wall, the napkins washed and folded, the dishes made ready, the bathroom assembled... I mean really. It started with what could've been a huge disaster.... and it turned out completely awesome. Jake's graduation went well... we are so proud and thanks to all the donated tickets, Jake had a complete cheering section. We are his biggest fans. The party rocked and we were all together. I am so grateful to each person in the family that traveled from CA and AR all the way to TX for Jake and our family. The last time we were all together in TX like that was for Jacque's funeral and this was way better! We have a guest room now and were totally happy to welcome our siblings to stay and share our home with us. The house remodeling was 98% done by Saturday at 5pm, my team of support and design were awesome and we have a great kitchen and entertainment area now that we didn't have before! I totally love it. Some of our dearest friends came to support and celebrate with us and that totally rocks. So, anyway... one more week and then we will know what's cooking in our sister Jaime. I can hardly wait. In reflecting on the advice I heard and shared and all the awesome conversations... again, I praise God and celebrate my family... they are the best! xoxo