Tuesday, June 24, 2008

9 weeks yesterday

i know it is so hard to see these photos... ultrasound can be difficult to "read," but let me assure you... when Jaime and I want to Dr. K's office last week to see the baby, we were blessed with movement! That little baby did some crunches and some big stretches and all the while the little heart valves were working overtime pumping away... It was a very, very blessed day for me to get to see the new little angel jaime is carrying for jeff and i. it has been very, very busy around here with jake's graduation, vacations, travel, out of town company, everyone at my house, and what a blessing to have time fly by... since we have been planning and working on this pregnancy since like February 14! Our due date was an error - it is really January 27 (that will be 40 wees)... for those who need to know how it is calculated, they take the embryo transfer date and add two weeks and call that the lmp to calculate the end date. as we all know, the baby will come when HE or SHE is good and ready... other questions: everyone wants to know what color we are expecting... jeff said white, but i think the question really is pink or blue... i promise you we are expecting GREEN - a neutral color. When we find out the sex - this blog will be updated with what they tell us it is. Our nursery colors are an earthy green, chocolate, and butter. We are not really into the whole pink and blue thing, but we will let you know what the sex of the baby is... Anissa says it is a girl, I had a dream it was a boy, Jeff is noncommittal... Jaime hasn't had any opinion she has shared with me. The truth: only God knows and we are ok with that... we are just excited to share these photos with our family and friends. one more week and we will be 1/4 of the way through our pregnancy... OMG! that is so crazy and so exciting. we have started our baby registry and i hear my sisters and mom are planning a shower for the baby. that is so exciting.... especially since i was so young the first time around and my first and only baby shower, given by my aunts was quick and small. I don't remember having a shower with Jake at all. Jeff said he wanted a "daddy shower" with camo decor and camo gifts... so, when we did our registry, he found so many things in camo... LOL! Camo is gender neutral and he plans on teaching this child to hunt from a very early age. Jacque's angel date is quickly approaching and w are preparing to lock ourselves into the beach house for a week... we have the most loving and generous friend to give us this week of healing... much love and kindness comes our way during this very difficult time. anyway, that is what i have for now to update you! waiting on a doctor appointment with the OB and more to come... xoxo


kellie said...

OH MY GOODNESS. . . she looks just like her auntie kellie!!! I'm sure of it :) I am so excited for you all. . . for all of us! What a blessing!!!

Mina said...

I am soooo excited for you guys! I just checked your blog for the first time in forever and realized I missed some great news! Congratulations and that little one just looks adorable! I think he/she has your eyes Jeff! :) Anyway, just wanted you all to know that we think of you often and can't wait for you to visit again! I will keep checking in on this blog to see how you all are doing and make sure that Jaimie is holding up.
Lots of Love,
Scott and Mina