Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tuesday... one week b4 the first ultrasound...

So, we are just a week away from the first ultrasound and look inside to see how many of those three embryos took. We should've started a pregnancy pool this last weekend when the entire family was out for Jake's graduation. WOW, talk about proud moments. First, I really have to say that I am blessed to have the absolute best sisters on the planet. I could NOT have pulled the house together and the party for Jake without their complete willingness to help me. Between my mom and my closest friends and my sisters, the crosses were put back on the wall, the napkins washed and folded, the dishes made ready, the bathroom assembled... I mean really. It started with what could've been a huge disaster.... and it turned out completely awesome. Jake's graduation went well... we are so proud and thanks to all the donated tickets, Jake had a complete cheering section. We are his biggest fans. The party rocked and we were all together. I am so grateful to each person in the family that traveled from CA and AR all the way to TX for Jake and our family. The last time we were all together in TX like that was for Jacque's funeral and this was way better! We have a guest room now and were totally happy to welcome our siblings to stay and share our home with us. The house remodeling was 98% done by Saturday at 5pm, my team of support and design were awesome and we have a great kitchen and entertainment area now that we didn't have before! I totally love it. Some of our dearest friends came to support and celebrate with us and that totally rocks. So, anyway... one more week and then we will know what's cooking in our sister Jaime. I can hardly wait. In reflecting on the advice I heard and shared and all the awesome conversations... again, I praise God and celebrate my family... they are the best! xoxo


kellie said...

awwwww sisters. we have the very best of them, don't we?!?!?!?! that was the VERY BEST weekend ever! i can't say that enough. it was so much fun being a part of everything and helping wherever things needed to be done! what a way to pull things together in a new house. . . call the sisters!!! i love you and miss you tremendously my beautiful sister!