Thursday, June 5, 2008

And it begins...

Symptoms have started!! Yesterday from early morning I had no energy. I was sooo tired!! I've been really tired lately and been going to sleep really early (by about 9:30, which is really early for me!), but yesterday was the worst. I could not even keep my eyes open at work. All day I could not wait to go home and go to sleep. It is so crazy that this little tiny thing is making me feel the way I do!! Incredible!!

Jen and Alysha have been telling me my fist craving is chili...well I think I finally agree. I have had so much chili! Last night for dinner I just wanted a cup of chili from Wendy's. I'll eat a chili omelette for breakfast, chili cheese fries at lunch, a bowl or cup of plain chili for dinner. must be a craving...haha.

Well today I think is my first actual day of morning sickness. I woke up this morning feeling fine, and by the time I got to work, I was feeling a little sick. It hasn't been too bad though...just nauseous. No throwing up yet!! I think it is finally starting to go away a little. I called Jen and she is just so excited to know that I have morning sickness...haha...a little bit more excited than I am!!

Other than the fatigue, nausea, sore boobs, and fun medications I'm still on....I'm doing great!! No, really, I'm actually doing great. This whole experience is so exciting for me! I'm so anxious for our Dr. appointment next week. I can't wait to find out how far along we are and how many babies are in there!!

Well that's about all for now...


kellie said...

tee hee hee. . . as i already told you, i'm not laughing at you, i'm laughing with you!!! oh wait, you're not laughing??? oops, my bad! ahhhh morning sickness. . . didn't you say you wanted to experience pregnancy? the entire part of pregnancy from start to finish??? welcome to the first trimester!! i usually only threw up once or twice a day. . . then i was fine the rest of the day! i hope that makes you feel better! i love you sister and i am so excited for more details as they arise!!!! this is so AWESOME and AMAZING!!! what a blessing for the whole family!!