Wednesday, June 11, 2008

ONE BABY due JAN 13th

Well, we had our ultrasound this morning. Jaime and mom were in the room with Dr. K and Julie... Jeff and I were on speaker phone in Bartlesville, OK... and we found out that there is one baby inside Jaime's "womb with a view." Dr. K said several times that this baby has a very strong heartbeat... this is a great thing for our family. You have to have a strong heart in our family. I told Jaime we are so blessed and what a gift from God, this baby with a strong heart. To have a sister as wonderful as Jaime, willing to put her life on hold for a year... to give the gift of life to us. Kellie and Robyn are so elated and excited for us. We love having the support of our family! This is such another blessing. ONE BABY due JAN 13th... How Wonderful! XOXO


kellie said...

ONE BABY with a healthy heartbeat. . . such a beautiful blessing!! We are all so lucky to be apart of such an amazing family. God definitely knew what he was doing when he put us together! I just love ALL my siblings. . . YOU ROCK!! :)