Wednesday, February 4, 2009

We had a wonderful visit from Jaime & Alysha this evening. Many of you have been asking how Jaime is doing. She is doing so great. She looks fabulous and at her two week check up found out she has lost 30 pounds already. That is amazing. As you can see by the photos, she is so happy and looks so wonderful. Alysha and Jaime both love visiting lil' Jackson and we love having them over. They got here just in time for a feeding, a diaper change, and then for he start of fussing time. Every evening, right around the dinner hour our little man has been getting a little fussy and can't be still. We are going to break down and buy a baby swing tomorrow and see if that helps at all... maybe he needs a diversion. Jeff says he just needs his daddy and that it is an over abundance of estrogen contact that leads to his fussy behavior... but after about 5 minutes with daddy, he over doses on that testosterone fix and returns to fussy-butt behavior. Its all harmless and reminiscent of Jackson's big bother, Jake.

One thing Jackson loves and is quickly becoming a nightly ritual, not because he is so dirty or anything, is bath time. Man, does he love the hot water and being massaged. Especially his head... if he had more hair to lather it would be more fun for me... but he is totally chill in the bath and we are using that to our advantage in the evenings. Who knows how it will be when Jeff goes back to OK this weekend... and I get the fussy time all alone and no daddy fix. For now, here are some of today's photos to enjoy our little guy... as you can see, less sleeping and more awake time. This is a good thing and we are really enjoying our "conversations" as he coos and babbles a bit. The best is still the giggles, which w were blessed to see today when Keisha visited and Jackson was giggling in his sleep while being held by her. Cheri was gracious enough to come over and be Jackson's "nanny" today, while I took a much-needed nap and Jeff got some work done - yes, work! Don't they know he is on vacation!!!
A few of our loyal followers also mentioned the new layout.... THANK YOU to our cousin Leah Ferguson for such an awesome job at helping me create a truly unique and expressive background. Leah was kind enough in her busy schedule with Alex, taking care of John, being sick, doing two blogs, to actually design and implement this new camo background... we love it and we love you... THANKS LEAH!!!


mandy said...

I loved my baby swing. All of my babies napped in theirs until they were too big to be in it. Hopefully it helps! Those fussy times are rough.

Leah did a great job, your new background is perfect.

Leah said...

I love all the pictures of him and I can't believe you get the chance to blog so much! Lucky, you must know hot to juggle it all, I need pointers please! I love how cute he is, and I hope JEff gets that dang transfer!

If I was there I'd be your nanny anytime!! Your welcome for your layout and I am so glad you love it! Let me know if you want a new one anytime soon!! <3

heather said...

I love the layout! It matches the nursery, doesn't it? Leah gave me tips on how to change my background too. She's very talented at that sort of thing! I LUV that pic at the bottom of this post. He is so adorable. You can tell how tiny he is when you compare the size of the hand holding him.