Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Wow...what a weekend!! I think that Jen pretty much covered it all!! It was such an emotional weekend for me!! Like Jen said, I started my estrace pills, and OMG...I did nothing but laugh and cry the whole time in CA. It really hit me this weekend that I have the most amazing brothers and sisters!! Our time together was so awesome!! I think for the first time in my life, I really felt like I wasn't the baby. I felt like an adult. I think that I have grown so much in this last year alone...and I think that everyone could see that. I can't even begin to describe how I was feeling at Josh's house on Sunday. I would sit back and look at all of my brothers and sisters and feel this overwhelming rush of emotion come over me. It still does just thinking about it. There is just no way to describe it!! Just so much love for them!! I am so thankful for every one of them!!...and so thankful for the days we had together!! I was just speechless most of the weekend!!

Kellie looks so great!! I could not tell her enough!! She was just glowing!! I know that it was so overwhelming for her too!! What a great surprise!! I just miss her so much!! I am so happy that we were able to give her this amazing gift for her birthday. To be honest, I felt like it was just as much a gift for me and it was for her!!

Josh and Jess...I was so happy to be able to stay with them. I just miss my Joshie! I think we got really close when we lived together, and I miss it so much! They look so happy and the house looks fabulous! I'm so happy for them!

Getting to spend that time with Scott and Robyn was just awesome! It was so different talking to Robyn. I really felt like she got to see ME! This last year I have really become comfortable with who I am and where I am in my life. I am so happy...and I think Robyn really got to see that, and I am grateful she did. I felt so much closer to her this weekend! It was so great!

The bonding I got with Jeff this weekend was great too!! It was good to spend some time with him. He is out of town so much I really don't spend much time with him...and I'm carrying his baby!!!...haha...so to spend the time with him was great! I know once I am pregnant, we will be making the time!! I'm not too worried...but it was nice this weekend!!

Jen and I had a lot of great bonding too...like she said! It is so funny to watch her emotional roller coaster, because I am going through the same thing. We tend to laugh at each other a lot...and cry with each other a lot!! It really is the most amazing thing to go through with her. She has always been such a huge part of my life. It's hard to believe that we could bond any more than what we already have...but it's possible!!

I feel like such a different person since we started this journey!! It has changed me in so many ways!!...but all for the better. It is making me a better person!! It has really shown me what is important in my life!!...the most important, being my family!!...but that is something that has always been!! I have been able to see who is in my life for the right reasons and who is not!! I have met someone that absolutely loves me and wants to put up with me through this crazy time in my life!! I'm so in love and so happy. I never knew this kind of love would be possible for me!! I've never felt this way about someone!! It's amazing!!

I'm just so happy!! So thankful!! Sooooo emotional...haha!! I'm so lucky and so proud to be a part of this incredible family!! All thanks to mom and Dad!! The two most amazing people in the world!!


JenRN said...

ok - jaime... you made me cry (again) - you are the most amazing, secure, grown-up, loving, attentive, strong, and beautiful 26 year old woman I have ever had the joy and awesome opportunity to have in my life... YOU ARE AMAZING!