Wednesday, May 21, 2008

only a couple more days until the test!

I am so glad Wednesday is here... there is so much waiting in this process. It is a journey of the most amazing sorts, that is for sure. Jaime called me today after researching signs and symptoms of pregnancy on the world wide web... she is positive the pregnancy test will be positive. And... how do you try NOT to get your hopes up when your hopes are on a gift this big? I have no idea, but Jaime and I have spend all week trying not to get our hope up... and yet, those HOPES are SO UP! DUH, how could they not be? I mean, we are talking about a baby here... why stay reserved? Richard asked when I was going to complete the nursery and I told him I was waiting, not that I am superstitious or anything... but, I am waiting! I am ready for the positive pregnancy test results... I am ready for positive!!!


kellie said...

so funny. . . i was talking to jaime about the same thing. . . the what ifs. it's hard to, but there is always that option. BUT. . . i feel so strongly that this is meant to be. i just know in my heart that this is going to happen. jaime and i were talking about the "signs" too. there are so many. . . friday morning cannot come soon enough. we are all so ready for this little one! although, once it is a positive test. . . there is SO MUCH MORE WAITING!!! UGHHHHHH!!!! i love you sister.