Tuesday, May 20, 2008

tuesday morning

I just learned from cousin Denise last night that surrogacy is a sin or at least considered a sin by the Catholic Church... I had no idea there were such extreme ethical and religious connotations to the birth of a child by way of surrogacy. So, I did a little web searching and she was right - I was shocked at the stuff I read. We are not Catholic, but do have a very spiritual side to us and our relationship with God. I am just shocked and it makes me really sad for people who can't have a child by "natural" means. I was totally saddened by this. Then, that got me thinking. I was raised a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) and even was a practicing Mormon into my young adulthood, when my children were young. After researching the web, I found that the LDS church also disapproves and the following was an article on faith and ethics published in Great Britain that states: "Mormons accept conventional infertility treatment, including artificial insemination by the husband.Artificial insemination by donor is not banned, but not encouraged.Artificial insemination of single women is not approved. Surrogate motherhood is not approved.In vitro fertilisation using semen from anyone but the husband or an egg from anyone but the wife is strongly discouraged, but not banned." So, then I had to call my Pastor to find out our beliefs. I mean it never fully occurred to me that this method of bringing our own biological child into the world would be a sin against God and have this looming possibility of damning my eternal soul! I mean, i is a little late now to be finding this out. The idea of the sin itself goes against what my heart tells me, as I feel strongly that Jeff and I have been lead in a prayerful journey to make this decision to have our own biological child. That we have been given a glorious gift of life by Jaime and her womb. That we would have no other way - as with so many infertile couples - of having or own child. I can no longer carry children and it is out of the question to risk my LIFE to have a genetic, biological child the "old-fashioned" way. So, what I found is that my soul is indeed safe. Methodist beliefs are in-sync with a union between faith and science and that family options are evolving as society changes. It isn't a sin for my core beliefs and I was so blessed to have come to this conclusion today... since I am just a few days away from a pregnancy test for my surrogate mom (my adored sister-in-law and surro-angel). I know in my own heart that Jeff and I have prayed and sought counseling, both psychological and spiritual, to help bring us to this decision. We prayed and prayed and I just knew in my heart and soul this was the option for us. Not the cheapest route, not the least complicated, and certainly not without dilemma... but it was where I feel God led us on the journey through faith and love. I am so glad Lani was available for emergent consultation on the topic of surrogacy and that I again feel supported, loved, and without sin. My personal relationship with Christ will bring me through this trial and I have faith that the still-small voice I heard in answer to my prayers was indeed our Savior by way of the Holy Spirit. What a blessing and joy to have that fill my soul. Just another stepping stone in my navigation through this life... I am at peace with my decision and I honor anyone who has the ability and opportunity to be a surrogate. Being able to bring life and give this gift is so AWESOME. We are truly blessed. My beliefs are no longer challenged and I know I am doing the right thing for my family... thanks again Jaime! XOXO


kellie said...

WOW. . . again, another teary-eyed reading! I just wrote an entire paragraph about what I believe but then erased it because it really is a mute point. I know in my heart that things happen for certain reasons. I believe there is a reason behind Jaime carrying this child for you. I know you and Jeff did not go into this on a whim. You have thought and prayed and prayed and thought and prayed some more. We will find out in time if this truly is in God's plan. I love you and I am glad you were able to find the answers you needed. This is a BLESSING through and through!!!