Friday, May 2, 2008

spoke too soon

Well, I did - I spoke too soon. I got a call from Dr. K's office this afternoon to stop my Menopur and keep the other two injections going... and to go into the office on Sunday morning for blood work. Looks like the egg and sperm retrieval dates have been moved up to Tuesday, May 6, 2008. Everything is a go for then and the development of the eggs is so great! We are tickled and excited. Jeff is on his way home from OK now and then he will be home most of next week (recovery, you know). I will be glad he is here. I have had an emotional day and I am completely wiped out. I didn't realize it would make me so tired to be an egg-producing factory. So, we need prayers for happy healthy embryos (yes, happy) to place in jaime next week... her uterus is ready and in great condition for a baby! XOXO